There are just some things in life that go together well: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Cookies and Milk, Flatt and Scruggs, Lewis and Clark, Batman and Robin, macaroni and cheese...I could go on.
In our readings this week, we have seen how close David and Jonathan were as friends.
1 Samuel 18:1 (NIV) says, "
After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself".
Saul was king, Jonathan would have been next in line but David was about to become king. If I was Jonathan, I know I would have felt jealousy and bitterness toward David but nowhere does it say that happened. Jonathan was always looking out for and protecting David from his tormented father. Saul was the one who was jealous and out to kill David every chance he got.
Jonathan and David made a pact to look out for each other and each others children.
1 Samuel 20:42 (NLT) says, "
At last Jonathan said to David, "Go in peace, for we have made a pact in the LORD's name. We have entrusted each other and each other's children into the LORD's hands forever." Then David left, and Jonathan returned to the city."
David is on the run. He's a man on the run - for his life. One day, while hiding, Jonathan finds him to give him encouragement.
1 Samuel 23:15-18 (NLT) says, "One day near Horesh, David received the news that Saul was on the way to Ziph to search for him and kill him.
Jonathan went
to find David and encouraged him to stay strong in his faith in God. "Don't be afraid," Jonathan reassured him. "My father will never find you! You are going to be the king of Israel, and I will be next to you, as my father is well aware."
So the two of them renewed their covenant of friendship before the LORD. Then Jonathan returned home, while David stayed at Horesh.
Jonathan risked his own life in order to go and offer some encouragement to David. (remember: Saul was ticked at him for protecting David).
What a true friend!And that's it. That's the last we hear of David and Jonathan, because the next time Jonathan's name is mentioned is in 1Samuel 31 where the Philistines kill Saul and Jonathan. David mourns and is deeply saddened -
but he does something amazing to honor his best friend. He's a man of his word...and for the rest of the story, you'll have to come to Bellwood this Sunday to find out what it was.