Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Are We There Yet?

A pastor friend of mine recently asked this question on his blog. All parents have heard this most familiar question whenever they pile the kids in the car and head out for a predetermined destination. As Christians, we should probably ask the same question of our journey with Jesus - "Are we there yet?" Have we matured in the faith? Are we growing to be more like Christ? Ephesians 4 says that we are to be equipped for ministry so we mature and grow to the full stature of Christ. Are we there yet?

Here are some additional questions my pastor friend asks that I want to pass along. (Thanks Shawn).

How will I know when I get there?
Where is there?
Do I know where I am going?
Do I have a destination in mind?
Have I prepared for the journey?
Did I forget to pack something?
Do I know where to get directions?
Do I trust the directions?
Am I willing to ask for and follow directions?
Have I started the journey?

Here is a link to an article I read this morning that also challenges me on spiritual growth. Enjoy.

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