Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Great Social Disease

Long before the surgeon general issued his 1964 report showing the devastating harm of smoking, much of the nation viewed cigarettes as fun and harmless, even cool. A new report from the The Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J says much of America today has a similar naive attitude toward Internet pornography and that it needs to wake up and see porn's destructive impact not only on individuals but also marriages, children and society in general -- before it's too late. I couldn't agree more.

Pornography is the silent killer that we don't talk about. It not only kills relationships, it kills the soul of the person who is addicted. Pornography is so easily accessible these days. Got a computer? Then you've got access and no one has to even know you are doing it. Viewing it can be done sporadically or chronically. Either way it's like a drug that eventually takes over and controls you. It becomes your master. You become its slave.

NOTHING good comes from looking at pornography. It robs couples of the joys of intimacy. There is a lie that says it will spice up your sex life. Well, if you need to spice up your sex life, then you first need to spice up your spiritual life. You need to learn that marriage is all about serving and sacrificing(laying down your life) for your partner. Once you learn to do that and have that mind set, things will change. The ability to be a godly marriage partner is being warped by pornography's effect and it is one of the major causes of divorce.

Parents, here is a link that has some helpful tips for protecting your kids.

Pornography is an evil that thrives in silence and proliferates in the dark. And the sad truth is that believers are not in any way, shape or form impervious to its lure, however, believers do have a way out; a way to overcome pornography's stronghold. John 8:32 says that "You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free".

Pornography is a lie that traps and enslaves you. Jesus is the way, the truth and life that can set you free - but you first need to know Him. If you are struggling with pornography, there is help. There is freedom.

Let's talk more...

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