Friday, July 2, 2010

Should Christians Tithe?

Mark Driscoll (pastor of Mars Hill Church) does a good job of answering this age-old question. If you have 4 minutes, watch this video...


Russell Earl Kelly said...

Your opening statement is very wrong – The question Should Christians Tithe comes from a corrupt heart. And your comment about 10% being the floor contradicts your own lesson that tithes totaled much more than 10%.

True biblical holy tithes were always only food from inside God’s holy land of Israel which He had miraculously increased. Tithes could not come from what man produced, from Gentiles or from outside Israel.

Since tithing (10-23%) was never the FLOOR under the Law in the Old Covenant, you have no basis to say it is the floor in the New Covenant. The only people who qualified as tithe-payers were food producers who lived inside Israel. Jesus, Peter and Paul did not qualify.

You are on the right track with 2 Cor 8 and 9. Focus on 2 Cor 8:12-14, the equality principle. May God bless your ministry.

lexaboy said...

The land of promise had the burden of the tithe placed upon it. Even Jacob acknowledges this when he says "of all that you give (land of promise) me, I will give a tenth". As a Christian minister do you really want to lock arms in fellowship with Caiaphas who sat atop the tithing pyramid. You could find yourself at a trial passing judgement upon an innocent Christian who does represent the gospel of Christ.