Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"Seen as a Saint"

Well, they did it. The New Orleans Saints won their first-ever Super Bowl. Quarterback Drew Brees led his team to victory. As you watched the game, it was easy to see which ones were the Saints and which ones were the Colts. They were identified by what they were wearing on the outside.

The New Testament has over 100 references to "saints". In many of Paul's letters he uses the greeting, "To the saints". (Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Philippians, Colossians and Ephesians) The Greek word for saint means "holy one". Holy is anything that God sets apart for His own use or purpose. People who surrender their life of sin to the holy life of Christ, become saints in God's eyes. Saints have been set apart to fulfill God's purpose which is to share the Good News so others may become saints also.

Unlike the New Orleans Saints (where you have to work hard to be on the team), spiritual saints only must accept the work that Jesus did on the cross. He defeated the powers of sin and death by submitting to them and then being resurrected on the third day.

St. Therese said, "You cannot be half a saint, you must be a whole saint or no saint at all." I say, you are either a saint or you ain't.

Sometimes we try to "work for" God's grace, but we can't. It's a gift. You can't work for a gift. It is freely offered and given. By receiving God's gift of grace and forgiveness, anyone can be part of God's team, God's Saints. It is not just limited to the 53 guys who were on the field last Sunday. It is available to all. Have you accepted the work Jesus Christ did for you so you can be a saint, no longer living in sin? If you ever struggle with seeing yourself as a saint, just read Romans 6. It is a powerful reminder of our new life and identity in Christ.

Now - go out and live and play like a REAL Saint!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

nice writing about the saints. Good to be reminded.