Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What Is Our Vision?

Vision is not about reality or what is. Vision is all about our dreams and aspirations or what could be. Here is a vision statement that I recently read in The Parish Paper. What if this were to describe Bellwood?

We envision becoming a church where our people model biblical community in a safe place where we accept one another and are accepted, love and are loved, shepherd and are shepherded, encourage and are encouraged, forgive and are forgiven, and serve and are served. We envision helping all of our people—youth as well as adults—to discover their divine designs so that they are equipped to serve Christ effectively. Our goal is that every member be a minister. Our church will be an equipping center where every Christian can develop to his or her full potential for ministry. This development will come through these means: creative, inspiring worship; teaching that is biblical and relevant to life; vital, supportive fellowship; and opportunities for outreach into the community in service and evangelism.

We envision developing all our people—new believers as well as established believers—into
fully functioning followers of Christ through the uplifting and inspiring worship services, Sunday
school, outreach events, and most importantly, prayer. As a result, our communities will be
different in ten to fifteen years, with Christian influence being increasingly felt in homes,
businesses, education, and politics.

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