Wednesday, May 15, 2013

5 Steps for Resolving Conflict

As long as you are in relationship with people, you will experience conflict. That is a fact of this human life. Here are some helpful steps from Rick Warren on how to resolve conflict:

1. Talk to God first before talking to the person. Pray about the situation instead of gossiping to a friend which only creates disunity. You will often discover that either God will change your heart or that of the other person.

2. Look to God for your sufficiency. Don't expect the other person to meet all your needs. Most conflict is rooted in unmet needs that can only be met by God. Instead of looking to God, we look to others to make us happy. This is not a healthy expectation. People will let you down. God never will.

3. Take the initiative. In Matthew 18, Jesus gave the command to go to your brother or sister directly. In conflict, time heals nothing. Communication is the key ingredient in minimizing conflict.

4. Empathize with the other person. Here them out. Stephen Covey said, "Seek first to understand, then be understood." The Bible says, "Be slow to speak, quick to listen." This is not the time to get defensive or start offering solutions. It's been said, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."

5. Confess your fault. Two of the most powerful words are, "I'm sorry".  This takes humility, even if you think you did nothing wrong. No one is perfect. Ask God to show you your part of this conflict. Confession is a powerful tool toward reconciliation.

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