Thursday, October 24, 2013

Get Away

Jesus often made a practice of getting away from the crowds in order to be with the Father. This was a way for him to be renewed and reminded of his purpose and mission. Crowds expected many things from Jesus. They wanted another miracle, another healing, more bread, more wine - you name it. Jesus had the perfect balance of being with the community and being alone with the Father. We should strive to imitate his example.

Jesus recognized that being in the presence of God is the only way we can find our worth and purpose in life.   Ruth Haley Barton in "Leading in Rhythm: Solitude and Community" says, Because we will attempt to get from other human beings what only God can provide; we will demand that the community meet our needs for love, approval, a sense of self and whatever else we may be missing. Then when the community disappoints us, is unable to meet our needs or refuses our demands, we become frustrated and might take out our frustration on those around us through gossip, manipulation, attempts at controlling others.  We may even start projecting our inner lacks onto others in the community—blaming them for not meeting needs that are not theirs to meet anyway.

Human community can never fully meet the needs that can only be met by a rich and satisfying relationship with God; it is a weight too heavy for any community to bear.

Oftentimes I place too much expectation on others to give me worth and approval. It's especially hard being in the role of a pastor, but we all get caught up in valuing ourselves based on what others think and say about us. Only the One who has given us life can meet our EVERY need. No human being can. That's too much to ask - too much to expect, and we will always be disappointed. Our needs can only be met in relationship with God. Set aside time and get away with God. Read Psalm 139 and allow Him to remind you of your worth and value to Him.

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