Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Story of God and Us

I had the privilege of attending (for the second year), the Apprentice Institute Conference at Friends University in Wichita, KS with my friend and fellow pastor, Tim Springer. Guest speakers included Brian McLaren (Everything Must Change) and Donald Miller (Blue Like Jazz). The theme was: "The Story of God and Us - the Importance of Narratives for Christian Spiritual Formation".

In Donald Miller's session he asked, "What makes a life meaningful?" He said that life is about finding meaning, not pleasure. Meaning is what will sustain us but if you can't find it, you'll pursue pleasure instead.

We have a true self that God created within us, but just like Adam and Eve, we often feel shame and allow it to cover up our true self. This creates a false identity that we end up living with for years. This shame is then covered up with our personality, which desperately searches for ways to be affirmed in an attempt to find meaning and worth.

He encouraged by saying, "We are not our failures". Do not listen or believe the old stories in your head. He also said, "We are not our successes". Don't try to live up to others' expectations. The key is to get in touch with your core self; who God created you to be. That is the only story we should be listening to. Don't be afraid to listen to it. Move into that fear and live who God made you to be.

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