Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Being With God in Silence

Yesterday I spent my spiritual retreat day in silence at St. Benedict Center in Schuyler. Silence is an amazing thing - mostly scary and uncomfortable, but I am becoming more and more aware of how God speaks in silence (you know, that still, small voice?) Well, I must confess that I did not hear a direct word from the Lord even though I tried. Throughout the day, I would take periods of time (10 minutes up to 50 minutes) and just sit in silence, hoping God would speak to me.

But silence is not to manipulate God in anyway. It is simply being open to anything God might have for us. It makes us vulnerable to Him. It says, "Here I am Lord. Your servant is listening". Now, even though I didn't "hear" God, I believe in faith that He is doing a work in me below the surface that I can't see yet. Was my time wasted then? Absolutely not! It was time well spent with my Maker and Creator - an opportunity to "fast" from my busyness and just "be" with God.

Here is a quote from Mother Teresa that was passed on to me today...

"The more we receive in silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life. Silence gives us a new outlook on everything. We need silence in order to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say, but what God says to us and through us. Jesus is always waiting for us in silence."

- Mother Teresa

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