Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Prayer of Confession

In Sunday's sermon about the Pharisee and the tax collector, Jesus made it clear that comparing ourselves to others is simply wrong - but we all do it. We oftentimes find our worth from downgrading others in order to elevate ourselves. We want and expect others to do and think the way we do because "we've got it all figured out" or "our way is best" - but the more we mediate on Scripture, the more we see ourselves in light of God's revealed Word. About the only thing that I have figured out is that God is full of mercy and grace and that His steadfast love endures forever. The Bible says He loved us while we were "still sinners". I don't know about you, but I still sin. I still fall short of God's standard. I miss the mark - and I especially miss it when I set myself up as a judge over other people's actions.

So here is the prayer that keeps me grounded so I don't get too high.
“Lord Jesus have mercy on me, a sinner”. This really should help us keep ourselves in perspective to others and to God.

I was asked to share this again from the conclusion of Sunday's message. Feel free to comment on this blog by adding your own.

- "For times I’ve compared myself to others, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For times I’ve thought too highly of myself, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For the times I’ve reacted in anger toward someone Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For the bitterness I harbor(ed) toward church members or family members, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For elevating myself above others, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For being afraid of what others might think, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For trying to get even with someone and teach them a lesson, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"
- "For insisting on my own way, Lord Jesus, have mercy on me"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a great sermon Sunday. A bit lengthy, but still what you had to say and how you relayed it to us was perfect.
I enjoyed what you were saying even if the little tyke behind us was trying to outdo you. LOL.
A beautiful day for that sermon and we all need to be reminded of the message frequently.